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Success Insights® tools for web-based analyses:

Recruiting the right people, leveraging and developing their strengths based on strategy, building powerful teams …


Discover the right talent to match the needs within your organization with our patented job benchmarking technique, eliminating poor hires and lost revenue.


Engage your workforce with intentional communication strategies and the creation of a strategically aligned leadership team while empowering employees to achieve performance objectives.


Advance emerging leaders and prepare your organization for its next stage of growth through the prediction of challenges ahead and the application of proven solutions to solve such challenges.


Perform beyond the metrics by creating an understanding and commitment to both individual and company goals through the establishment of a company-wide performance mindset that’s anchored in personal accountability and responsibility.

Recruiting the right people and developing them according to their potential and the organisation's needs is one of leadership's most important tasks. The challenge lies in each individual being characterized by a unique mix of values, behaviours, competencies and EQ (emotional intelligence). Moreover, people tend not to be fully aware of themselves – at least at the relational level. Therefore, examining an individual's personality structure in great detail and comparing it to a know-how-based job description is laborious and error-prone.

Less complexity – more objectivity
Hence the need for systems that reduce the complexity of human activity to the factors crucial to successfully and sustainably employing the right people. This should be done in an unbiased way, independent of the gut feeling and intuition of the person responsible for the recruiting process. 
With Success Insights®, a comprehensive, decades-proven, science-based toolkit is available, enabling organisations to recruit the right people, leverage and develop their strengths efficiently to the benefit of the organization, and build powerful teams on each hierarchical level.

Globally renowned
The Success Insights® tools have been applied to analyzing values, behaviours, and competencies in 35 countries, 16 languages and about 20 target-group-specific variations. More than 100.000 organisations from all over the world including BSH Bosch Siemens, Deutsche Bank, Johnson & Johnson, Munich Re and Sony, have employed them more than 6.5 million times.

In Germany, Switzerland and Austria the Success Insights® tools are exclusively provided by INSIGHTS MDI International® Deutschland GmbH, a subsidiary of SCHEELEN® AG, and its certified licensees – professional trainers, consultants, and coaches.